Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday Blogday

Good morning! Praise God that about 10 people have committed to serve in Thailand this year. We are all very excited to see how God will put us to work this year :) Thank you so much to those who were interested, but weren't able to join the team-- many of you offered to pray and support the team and it means a lot! Not going doesn't mean you can't be a missionary!

"Missions is not peripheral in God's mind and heart. It is not the thing that his children do once they have done other more essential things. To those with obedient open hearts it is no longer a mystery. He is a missionary who shares Christ's passion, who prays for the lost of this world and who will not rest until from every lost tribe, tongue and nation there are some who call Him Lord." --Dr. Ralph Winter

Team Requests
Please keep our team in prayer as we plan for our upcoming fundraiser. The fundraiser will be April 10, from 12:30-2:00 in the MPB. Please come out and support! :)

Missions Monday:
Missionaries' families: Missionaries' children on the field or parents & family back home facing physical, emotional, or spiritual difficulty; God's healing & protection; His comfort to families of missionaries.

An answered prayer from Lillian and Peter's requests: They will be visiting Lillian's mother in Taiwan during the upcoming summer break!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Break Prayer Requests

Happy Monday! Hopefully everyone is staying dry and our collegians are having a good spring break!

Today's prayer requests:
1. Thailand team members-- this Sunday is the commitment meeting for our team. Praise God for those who have already signed up, but continue to pray for members as they are making decisions. We have faith that God is going to bring together everyone He needs to fulfill His purpose in Thailand.
2. Fundraiser-- our fundraiser will be on April 10 (mark your calendars!) and pray for our team as we plan and prepare
3. Plane tickets-- higher costs of fuel = more expensive plane tickets. Pray that we can find a reasonable deal!

Missions Monday:
Pray for Dr. Tom Eliff, International Missions Board's new president; that the Lord would help his transition into this role.

Also remember Amore team in Mexico (until Tuesday) and CSM downtown missions that is going out this coming weekend.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Prayer for Peter & Lillian

Happy Missions Monday to everyone! Today the prayer request is for our very own Peter and Lillian Liang who have been our missionary liaisons the past few years and will be again this year!

"Praise God for the work of missionaries Peter & Lillian Liang. Praise also for smooth transition to being under GO International; Lord would continue to provide support they need."

Below are more prayer requests from their February newsletter...

1. Pray that God would grant Peter Permanent Residency Status somewhere whether it is in France, Thailand, Taiwan, or Myanmar (Burma). He currently has a Refugee Travel Document (passport) issued in France by the UN. He does not have citizenship in any country, making it inconvenient to reside or travel in any country.
2. Peter has diabetes mellitus and hypertension that makes him a little nervous about his health.
3. Pray that God would prepare a way for Peter to continue his seminary studies.
4. May God open a way soon for Peter to go legally into Myanmar (Burma) to serve Him.
5. Pray for Peter's unsaved family.

1. Pray for both Peter and Lillian to continue to grow spiritually.
2. Lillian's blood pressure is on the rise. Peter has diabetes and high blood pressure. Pray that the Lord would grant both of them good health.
3. Pray that in our lives we will always be joyful especially as we face difficulty and trials.
4. Lillian's mother in Taiwan is 88 years old. Praise the Lord she is a Christian. Pray for her good health. Pray that the Lord would give Lillian an opportunity to visit her mom in Taiwan this April.


- As mentioned in today's meeting, the cost is now $1750 after adjusting for rising costs of gas/plane tickets
- Baptism is also REQUIRED, and applications are due April 24
- The next meeting is March 27 and is also the commitment deadline. Same time and place, H/Truth 208 from 1-3pm.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Missions Monday!

GOOD MORNING! Hopefully you are having a good Monday, and not worrying about the work week ahead or final exams. Today's church-wide prayer request:

"Short-term teams preparing to go out over the next few months; meetings will make them ready for the work the Lord has for them; cohesiveness & unity among team members."

These teams include India, Thailand, HSMT (to the Navajo reservation), Amor (to Mexico), and CSM (to downtown LA). Pray for yourself to see if God is leading you to participate with one of these teams!



The next meeting is this Sunday, March 13 from 1-3pm in the upstairs Hall of Truth in Room 208. Come find out more about our team if you missed the first meeting, ask any questions, or turn in commitment forms!



For anyone available and in the area, Biola will be hosting a 3-day Missions Conference from Wednesday, March 16 to Friday, March 18 and it's free. Various speakers and organizations will be on hand to help expand your view of missions! Get more information here: